Most people have heard of the term... "Give It The Old College Try", when it comes to tackling what seems like an impossible task. When I first heard that term some years ago I wanted to know the premise behind it. Rewind to 2004, Kanye West has his debut album out called "The College Dropout" and it quickly becomes the soundtrack to my life. I was enrolled in school on paper, but college was the farthest thing from my mind. I was involved in all kinds of shenanigans, from working as a bill collector (worst job in the world next to manure shoveling by the way..) to promoting college parties. At the time I didn't know it, but it was all an attempt to avoid taking school seriously. I had convinced myself to keep with it because of family pressure but honestly graduating from college in my mind was impossible. However; the "appearance" of looking like a student was still kinda fun.
The unfortunate thing about my situation is that initially I didn't have the confidence to remove myself from distractions, which led to desperation and trying to "make it happen" in other areas. I like so many people became a victim of what I call the "Lotto Fallacy"which means when people spend more effort on a "1 in a million" chance of winning the lottery rather than putting $20 a week in a 401k which eventually becomes a million dollars.
For most people they tend to fall for the "ookey doke" and engage in frivolous pursuits with the hope of attaining wealth, only to end up back at square one. That not only sheds years off finding your true purpose,which many people discover from college, but that same energy could be used towards grinding it out and doing what needs to be done. Fortunately for me I realized it was all "smoke & mirrors" soon enough to make a change, and get my degree. Now I understand in a certain aspect that college is not for everyone but lets examine that opinion. With the exception of individuals that have serious learning defects
, anyone who really wants to can graduate from college, it's all about your motivation. Alot of people are only motivated by how quick they can make money and yet don't see a college degree as a sure fire path to attain wealth. Well I'm here to tell you that nothing in life is sure-fire, but college is one of the most consistent and time tested ways to get there.
There are many people I know who are opposed to a college education for various reasons. Some of the main issues I've heard from them over the years include
... "The time I spend in school could be used to pursue my dreams!!!" One definition for Insanity is when the same thing is done over and over again with the hope of a different result each time.
There has to be a perception shift in order to see the benefits of getting your degree, and you should be honest with yourself by asking "Has what I've been doing up to this point reaped anything substantial in my life?" if not it's time to switch things up. A degree has to be seen as an investment in Self and not a waste of time.
Nothing worth having comes easily we can try our hardest to fight that fact. We have become a microwave society; where people want
and settle for the
"image" of accomplishment with little to no effort,
It doesn't work for the long term because that's not the way the system is setup, at least not legally!!!Now I have never subscribed to the belief that a degree is the "end all,be all", because there are a some people with degrees that feel that is all that's required and they tend to have this false sense of entitlement. These misguided individuals actually believe that once they have that piece of paper in their hands the jobs and riches will be theirs for the taking, you are sadly mistaken if you believe this. A degree alone won't get you to the destination but it makes the ride a little more comfortable by increasing your options, you will still have to hustle just not as hard. One of the benefits of a degree in my opinion is that it shows future business partners or prospective employers that you have a credible and certifiable level of drive as well as professional knowledge of the world around you.
Keep in mind that we live in a time where credentials are now more important than ever. For instance; if you want to purchase a house, you must have solid credit history in order to get it, the same premise follows with having your degree. Another comment I hear often that makes me chuckle is...
"I know people with degrees that are working crappy jobs or doing something that has nothing to do with what they went to school for." The funny thing about this excuse is when people don't see the long-term benefit of completing a certain goal they will only see what they consider as cons in order to avoid what is required(hard work).
For every 10 people that fit into the category above there are 1,000+ people that
are utilizing their degrees and are very successful because of a college education. So again its about your motivation and preparation before and after you graduate.
The bottom line is college is a smart investment period. If you still decide against it you better have a fail-safe backup plan that you revisit constantly. If after 6 months nothing substantial is coming from it, by all means give it up. If you have not started yet get enrolled, If you dropped out get back in, get with a support group or adviser and finish regardless of how long it will take. There is a famous saying that goes like this "How Do You Eat An Elephant?" The answer is, one bite at a time...You have already spent enough of your hard earned money on it so eliminate any fruitless distractions and get your degree. The sense of accomplishment, especially if takes a while is indescribable. I knew when I crossed that stage at Graduation that my problems had not ended, but I was confident in the fact that I was better prepared and equipped for it. Look at it like this, you wouldn't open a checking account, put $20,000-$30,000 in it and walk away would you? Well understand that is what your doing if you start College and don't finish it. Lastly I,m not telling anyone to give up on their dreams, God will give you the strength you need to make your dreams a reality but have to be smart, calculating and above all
The classic Aesop fable "The Tortoise and the Hare" tells us that the race is not won by the fastest person, but says that only the slow and steady will succeed. It may be difficult at first but look at college as an experience and not an impossible obstacle;
if you do that not only will you finish the race but you'll enjoy the journey along the way.